
While I’m grateful to his opponent for his service in uniform, I believe Dan Bishop is the best choice for veterans in North Carolina. I served 24 years in uniform, first taking the Oath of Office when I was on The Plain at West Point, and deploying three times as a flight surgeon to Iraq and Afghanistan during the War on Terror.

North Carolina’s veterans need someone who shares their values. Dan has been a leader in the community his entire life, and in the state Senate, he has fought for our conservative values. He is a pro-life champion, a defender of the family, and an advocate for every taxpayer. And Dan cares for veterans; he appreciates the immense sacrifice each veteran and his or her family has made for our country. Dan will put veterans first in Congress — as he has his entire career.

North Carolinians also need someone who will stand for them — and with them — in Washington. There’s a common misconception that some Democrats are able to blaze an independent path in Congress. Unfortunately, that’s just not true. While they may promise to be moderates or independents, when they get to Washington, they fall in lockstep with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

My freshman class has seven Democrats who served our country in uniform. While we should all honor their service, we should take a sober look at their political record. Almost all of them promised to be independent-minded and promised they would not just do what the extreme Democratic leadership told them to do. Of the seven, every one of them voted for the unconstitutional H.R. 1, the massive debt ceiling increase, and all but one voted for the gun-grabbing H.R. 8. And each one voted for this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, a partisan bill that cut personnel accounts for the troops by $1.2 billion.

Dan McCready is promising voters the exact same thing as these Democrats who just got elected. Unfortunately, as history has shown us, we can’t trust his rhetoric. When he gets to Congress, he’ll fall right in line, just as the rest of them have.

North Carolina: it’s time to send Dan Bishop to Congress.

Rep. Mark Green is a physician, businessman and combat veteran who represents Tennessee’s 7th district in Congress and serves as the Republican Freshman Class President.

Read the full article here.

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