
“A real American hero and proven conservative fighter, Mark Green will be a champion for our Tennessee values in Congress,” stated Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn. “I’ve worked closely with Mark the last several years and have seen firsthand how hard he works for his constituents. I’m excited to endorse him to be our next Congressman.”

The seven members of Congress are the latest Republican leaders in Tennessee to endorse Green’s candidacy. He has previously been endorsed by 100 grassroots conservative leaders in the state, 20 mayors in the district, Lt. Governor Randy McNally, and more than 60 members of the General Assembly who serve on Green’s finance committee.

“Tennessee has a long history of sending national leaders to Washington. I’m honored to receive the endorsement from our Tennessee Republican delegation, and I look forward to working together with them to rein in spending, rebuild our military, and repeal Obamacare,” commented Green.

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