
And that’s a good thing. Mark Green is running for the Republican nomination to replace Congressman Marsha Blackburn unopposed for good reason: There’s no one more qualified.

I’ve worked closely with Mark since he was elected to the State Senate in 2012. He has served the 22nd district honorably, and has become one of our most respected colleagues. Mark is a true leader who brings all sides together to advance legislation to move Tennessee forward. A deeply principled conservative, he isn’t afraid to reach across the aisle to pass bills helping our veterans, teachers, and taxpayers.

Mark’s service to his fellow man began long before he was elected to the State Senate. A graduate of West Point, Mark’s service to the nation started as an infantry officer. After September 11th, he became the Special Operations Army special operations flight surgeon assigned to the 160th SOAR, where he met his most infamous patient: Saddam Hussein. Mark’s service earned him the Bronze Star, The Air Medal with “V” device for valor under heavy enemy fire, among many other awards.

After leaving the Army, Mark started a company that he grew to over $200 million in annual revenue. Mark’s passion for service continued — he is on the board of two nonprofits serving soldiers and their families as they return from war. He also  founded the Two Rivers Medical Foundation, operating two free medical clinics to serve the community.

After a lifetime of service, Mark’s dedication to our country is unmatched, his experience unparalleled, and his integrity unquestioned. That’s why I’m proud to cast my vote for Mark now and in November, and why you should too.

Jack Johnson has represented Williamson County in the State Senate since his election in 2006. He also serves as Chairman of the Commerce Committee.

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