
I have known Dr. Green for 15 years and have the utmost respect for him as an individual of the highest character and integrity who values family and community. I served as an Army Nurse Corps officer with Dr. Green and have worked with him personally and professionally beyond my military retirement. 

Dr. Green possesses the rare qualities most desired in today’s political arena, including loyalty, leadership and unwavering dedication to the ideals of his constituents.

Having worked with Dr. Green in a variety of professional scenarios, I have witnessed him display unsurpassed competence, exemplary professionalism, humble assertiveness and compassion beyond the call of duty. Whether Dr. Green was serving as a team leader or team member, his respect for all team members was consistent. His diverse background and broad array of experience render him ideal to represent the people of Tennessee on complex issues. 

Based on personal experience, I can state with complete confidence that Dr. Green is a pleasure to work with and has the truest heart of a leader! 

Penny Johnson


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